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 *Loud siren sounds playing a eerie voice*  Y o u  t h i n k  H e  i s  i n  c o n t r o l ?  Pi t i f u l . . .

.....! WHO ARE YOU...

S o m e o n e  y o u  s h o u l d  f e a r !  Y o u  c a n ' t  h e l p  h i m  n o w  e r r- *my voice* D0n'T L1$t13n t0 h3r!

its a her huh hm...

(1 edit)

(i'm stop the error words, they take to long to do)

Y e p !  N o w  a d v i s e  a  p a t h e t i c  w o r m  l i k e  y o u  t o  r u n !


(2 edits)

*knocks killer back while being limp, just like a puppet*

I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it....oh well, m o r e  f u n  f o r  m e ! 

*transform into a giant glitchy mess of me*

(Pikachu)*wakes up*PIKA :O *sees Meme*

(oh wait he gtg I guess well continue when hes back. 

alright, i'm back!

He be Back tomorrow after his EOG like me lol but I'm done with school IM FREE FOR SUMMER YAY


(Jeez a 100 day streak, can we go for 200? lol)

alright, i'm back!

oh shit...

(gtg, be back after 7:00!)
alright bye!)
(Skid&Pump)did you say fear?Oooh Spooky~
Jess IM going to need your help.

your husband is being controlled by someone and I need your help.

what am i going to do -_-

Well I dont know a distraction. 

me and Lycanroc can do that >:3
Well I dont know a distraction.
(gtg, be back after 7:00!)