I experienced a strange glitch today. I think my 1st slot data got corupted or something like that but when i loaded in everything was empty in 3x3 segment with the middle of the base execpt for a giant bone and the campfire.
All the data i had on it was wiped. When a horde attacked, nothing happened. They couldn't defeat me because i had no safe house. I could do everything as normal but nothing would save except keys and vehicle (sometimes but eventually it would reset them too). I would like to keep this glitched slot though. Now for a different bug. In the cave dungeon zombies would spawn inside of rocks. If can stop reloading when trying to shooting if you see that the bullets are filling up so you can(but really hard) control how many bullets to reload(but it's pointless). When i was getting food in the starting area of the cave (at the time i had 0 in inv and base.) when i got 1 food, the cauldron was already full. When i got two, the green stuff in the pot was taller than the pot. All cars seem not to slow down when you let go of gas (They slow down extremely slowly). If you spawn in something from the store and you leave before it is delivered, it will say delivering in the store and you can spawn and more stuff in until you restart the game. In the slots menu on the buttons that say what to do, there was 1 PS button and the other 2 were keyboard buttons. The NPC's bullets when in the tower would clip through the ground(not always) and the Girl Scouts rock also clipped the ground (first time it happened). If you paused then unpaused, the dash/attack meter would recharge. You can spawn a vehicle on top of a vehicle. The riddle bus is too tall for stoplights and gets stuck on them (maybe remove collision?) and as a Girl Scout, whenever i touched the 4-wheeler i would be flinged back. When i was stopped in it, the camera bounces slightly up and down. You are able to keep more than one vehicle spawned in. If you spawn the same vehicle that you are currently in, it wont remove the first one. Then spawn in a different vehicle and the first car will disappear but the second one of the first will stay (sorry if this is confusing.) Then if you touch the second car the third will become the second car. I have no idea how i discovered this on accident.
In the cave one of the rooms possible is an arch. On the bottom side of the arch is a slight crack that might be hard to see but it is there: