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  • Main menu is awesome, options menu works and I can easily adjust the volume of audio and all other buttons work as expected, if there were a controls/how to play section, it would be perfect
  • Straight away, the audio is great, sets a fun tone for the game
  • The main menu art is fantastic really well done and immediately tells the player the setting of the game
  • The goal of the game isn't immediately clear, but after playing 2-3 times and carefully watching the UI, I figured it out, a prompt at the start of the game would be useful here
  • The sprites throughout the game are consistent and fitting with the theme
  • The background audio in-game felt a little bit ill-fitting due to the menu music being quite vibrant by comparison
  • The game concept itself is a brilliant interpretation of the brief and hits the mark in almost every area
  • The oxygen depletion almost works as a timer that the player refills when going up for oxygen (which is really well programmed and a creative solution)
  • The UI is noninvasive, but clearly displays information to the player using visual and numeric indicators of changing variables, making it more accessible