Oh just remembered something else! As cool as the easter egg is. You gotta remove the musician. You WILL get sued. Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow maybe not even this year but it absolutely positively will happen. Working in the entertainment industry you quickly learn that an artist often doesn't have the rights to what you think they do. Labels own the music, the brand, the style, the persona all of it. The artist owns the rights to their songs once out of contract if stipulated in the contract. But their "likeness" is usually owned by the label itself. And if they want it to be "family friendly" as they do. They WILL sue you. Even if you have the artists permission they will still sue you it just isn't worth it unfortunately. You could make it look kind of like them. Make a fake famous musician but ya it's not worth the risk.
If it makes you feel any better when the Neopets website first started they had a pet called Macy Gray. They weren't even hiding it was just straight up Macy Gray. No idea if they had permission or not but it was promptly removed. They also had a guy named Bruce who just looked like a Butler and they changed him to a penguin but ya. However cool having that musician is it just isn't worth the headache it WILL cause you.
And i actually completely forgot I have a personal experience regarding this. My cousin is a film director mostly short little films. He and his friends made a great short film about a guy having an absolutely terrible day in black and white and the joke is that the song "What a wonderful kind of day" is playing in the background. He was getting ready to submit it to a festival and then. He got a cease and desist from the estate of Marvin Gaye I guess the melody of the tune was too similar? He had to remove the music and since the video was directly in reference TO the music the film was completely useless. There is no "alternate music" to use. He need looked up copyright laws he was very careful of what he did and didn't use and how much and how often. It was an automated strike from the melody itself from the record label/estate. This is an extreme situation but your game could end up being REMOVED just because of that one character. OR even worse they could demand payment from you for using the musician. For someone who looks like its a 5 second kinda cool easter egg. Just not worth it.