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Anyone playing the 0.32 version? How start the road event?

Release Minotaur Ste from the succubus and go to his farm getting his affection then you could make him visit the bareshade. The event goes from here.

The country road I already done. But there is a new content in the 0.32 release named new road. Idk how to start.

Where exactly is the farm? That's what I'm having trouble finding.

You have to save Ste first from the succubus in the cave. First save will be the green orc who will live with you in your house. Next save is Ste. To find the cave, when crossing the Troll's bridge/Forest Bridge, look for another way to cross, and you'll discover the cave. After saving Ste, (be careful not to beat the succubus, i dont know how it works tho, but when you defeat her by attacking, Ste will say violence is not the only way, and will give you a massive negative points at least thats what happened to me but i manage to gain it all back by helping him with the farm) back to the topic, after savin Ste he will invite you to his home which is the Farm, just go and explore the forest path and you'll discover another cave that will lead you to his farm.