Amazing game, you guys did an excellent job! I'm delighted to have been a part of it (although you guys really did all the work).
I achieved a pretty fast score: 7:51! Let's see who can beat it!
As I understand you are part of the developing team. I am not really a person of competition, but if you can I would like to see the speed run. Because, I definitely got the fastest routes and I was not able to do everything under 8 minutes. Currently, the best score I got was 7:00. I am not saying the number and screen shot is unrealistic, but, it is kind of impossible, at least from my perspective to do everything under 2 minutes. Again, I am not trying to compete or beat the high score, but 7:51 is I think a bit stretched time.
Once again, maybe as part of the developing team you know the tricks and can easily beat the game under a minute, but, it's possibility is unproven, for me at least.
Hey Niven, I'm glad your interested in the game enough to talk about the speed running aspects! I would definitely check with Afroduck the shortcuts he made. I know one of them is with the double doors, you can bypass falling down the pit, by spamming on the second door, and it will open in time for you to land on. There are also a couple of paths that you can take that seem longer but are actually a lot faster as long as you hit no distractions. I can say from what Afroduck has said, he did the speedrun without hitting any distractions, and was double jumping throughout. The double jumps are actually designed to build momentum a bit, so see if you can mess with that. But yeah, thank you for playing our game and showing that much interest to care about that. We really appreciate it! :D
I'm flattered you think my time is fast enough it warrents proof XD
I just captured another attempt and shaved another second off. I snagged on the very last TV so a better time is easily possible! I also didn't realise the capture wasn't taking sound, but the video is enough. I might go for a better attempt soon, but this shows off my route/techniques at least:
No, it's approachable, I tried myself again and got to 7:55. (of course with the use of your video, because, I mean you are part of the developing team, developer myself here and I laugh when people take time for my puzzles when I know the answer myself lol).
But., I mean, honestly, no offense, but the games speed run, I think any games speed run is just not wise or not my style. Especially, this having a musical approach, it creates more freedom to create something. Personally, platforming is easy, but making a tune with the given song, it's more relaxing. I would not worry thou, not gonna try to anything again and probably my score is not that high, I guess looking at your video you can easily do that in 8 minutes. (again, with given approach to the jumping and that step when you open the 9/9 door).
For you and the rest of the developing team, I would recommend and of course encourage to put more emphasis on music, it's neat and creating notes is more important. Well, that's my opinion I guess.
Thanks for making the game and good luck on your future projects.