- What's your favorite character?
To answer your questions, my favorite character is Mathias (I just love everything about him!) but Mandra is a close second. They both are such complex characters and I love the juxtaposition between the two siblings, their histories, personalities, motivations and relationships with MC.
- Did you try the different options, or did you follow only one path?
I did a bit of experimenting on the other paths (I did both Mandra and Mathias in the bonus story) but have overall stuck to the same path. I have such a hard time being mean/strict with Mathias!
- What do you think of the black and white aesthetic?
I like the black and white aesthetic! I'm sure I'd still love it just as much if you decided to make it color, but it does make this game unique and adds to the atmosphere of the game.
- Is there anything about the world of Five Kingdoms you'd like to know more about while playing?
My main question is in my original comment, but I have a few others! How old is Lady Melike? Also, are there other Dragon Commanders?
I have many, many others (Was Elias always cruel? What happened to Murdoch? How did Mandra save MC? What made the Queen cold? When will Melike be back and what is her mission? How did Mathias "save" MC the first time and what happened at the academy? When did MC save Mathias from the assassin?), but I'm sure they are spoilers, and that we will find out in the game. :) Thank you for this wonderful game!!!