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(4 edits) (+1)

Looks sweet!
Glad to hear that you won a competition with this entry - it truly is a shining example of top-down racing done *right*
Looking forward to the new A.I. and tracks! I hope that you keep making games; you have some of the best audiovisual design game-wise, currently out there (in my opinion), coupled with a fundamental understanding of game-mechanics and level-design, (from what I've experienced so far in Microsprint, Polymaniacs and now Van Tourisimo) and it just makes me happy, every time I boot up and play one of your games.

Your money is in the post ;)


Wonderful! the ramps and the gates adds 'that little extra' to the entire experience - and the AI is competent enough that this has a high replay value. Congratulations on another successful release. =)