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(1 edit)


Yes i'am (July 2015...Wow man, water under the bridge):) I had lost sight of the game but Tchey's vid came as a good reminder so i just bought the game to support ;)

Yeah the camera could be a good thing before Steam, it would also allow better quality streams/vids imho.


How about a career mode, in which the player is either one team player or a club manager.

Would play out like a real football season, using existing calendars.

Field conditions: Rain/snow/mud could randomly affect some tiles depending on the weather.

Fouls,Freekicks, Cards and injuries, those sound like a lot of work but that could add up some fun perhaps:

Fouls could happen when a defender fumbles is tackle roll or an attacker fumbling is dribble roll.

Yellow/red cards/injuries could be related to the player skills/rolls, their position before tacking the action and of course the player's stamina level.

Or you could add an arbiter on the field, and he can sanction the players only inside it's range of maybe 2 squares away, for fun, and give some Blood Bowl touch...

If you allow modding, the game could live much longer, too, with certainly medfan/postapo teams, new skills, etc.

Thanks for the ideas, Tchey!

I think having a referee on the field would hinder movement too much and would be annoying for the player.

Modding is always a nice feature, but the amount of works it involves is too much and I am afraid it would be out of scope. 

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Well, thanks again for your support.

Yeah, the game has been going on for a very long time. I work on this game in my spare time and on my own, which means that things progress very slowly.

I have thought before about a career mode, but it really is out of the scope of the project and not really the type of game I wanted to make, since I am not a fan of manager mechanics.

Rain is already implemented (also hot weather, and they have different impact on the players), you just need to progress a bit more in the Story Mode. I thought about snow, but I felt it would be too similar to rain, and I don't know where it could fit in the Story Mode now (every match is already designed to introduce a new mechanic / twist).

Fouls, free kicks and yellow / red cards were in the game at some point, but I decided to take them out since they didn't add much to the game and felt a bit unfair.

Injuries would work nicely on a Career Mode, but I am not sure they would fit in Story Mode.

Thanks for all the feedback and ideas, I really appreciate it and take them seriously, but I am not always able to implement them due to scope or design constraints...