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of course im being biased, this is not a scientific discussion at all lol, this is just my experienced opinion.. and its been a long time since i played SL, and i certainly cant remember instances of the dialogue, but what i do remember is that it was a higher quality game visually, and the story captured my attention and kept it, certainly it wasnt as well written as a masterpiece like dancing lessons, but certainly leagues ahead of MNF, which i wouldnt put in the same boat as either this game, or the headmaster, and that was really the only point i was trying to make here.
what i think the MNF author has done, is latched onto a certain handful of keywords, and looks to create situations where those keywords can be dropped. to be fair he is onto something in that regard, but after a few chapters, it really gets tiring, i think the exact words i used in my feedback was "it is becoming a chore to read", and he really flipped out at that.. hell, i was a paying subscriber up til he banned me


I have good experience on those games, story wise, MNF wins for me. SL is more on "wanna f@ck? Then let's f@ck", while MNF make heroines more real. You might hate your real life cause MNF is trying to be more realistic.

I try to not rank them cause those are all good.


you were doing so well sir, but then, "MNF + realistic"
bwahahahaha! hahahaha.. ahhahahaha!