A short, open-ended solo journaling RPG about a witch arriving to their new Steading, taking inspiration from stories like Terry Pratchett's Tiffany Aching series. The main mechanic is a dual dice system of two different d6s that dictate the direction of the flow of power from the steading into the witch, vice versa, or an equal understanding.
There are four mini-scenarios: Beginnings, where you define the character and speciality of your witch; and three further rituals where you develop your relationship with the land of your steading. Each scenario has a small table of suggestions to kickstart your ideas.
At the end of the game, you'll have an established character you can use in other games (including Grimoire by the same creator).
I rather like this quiet little game. It's quite alright to use external inspiration aids in addition to or replacing the tables under each scenario, which is what I did.