Hi again!
Before I go to sleep I want to write about my daily achievements. First of all I changed the movement system, because the free movement give me many troubles. Now, the character can move in four directions (down, left, up, right). Also I have been adding other elements like the InnKeeper or the reception desk (WIP).
As a little, little thing, I created the main menu, and its functionality (start game, options, exit...).
At the end of the day, I have been working in the inventory system, I've managed to create a little sketch of what will be. Now, the inventory can save an unlimited number of objects, but only shows the first four. The player can collect items pass overthem. Finally, the player can open and close the inventory menu pressing "i".
Video showing current status: http://sendvid.com/hcil9ehk
The music is a placeholder hahaha.