I'll fix up the llorona shortly, but I ran through a playthrough again and it looks like the Sthae quest is working properly? Can you let me know what you did to come up with that?
The quest thing is 100% fixed, but Idk why but a fight with a mermaid chick crashed the game. I did the refuse option for the plus 20 coins and when it left back to larklasts wild area the music disappeared and I couldn't move or open the menu
I did initiate all that and went to the spring, not the lake with the root after accepting as a devout and then after the next options, nothing happened. I checked the hot spring and nothing changed. So I'm not sure if it just hasn't been implemented yet or if it is a bug
Ahhh, you will need to return to the hot spring in the shrine, not at Larklast (I'll add a prompt for that for the quest in the next update, to be clearer!)