Round 20 Dex 16 Stam 20 Drama 8 Perv 6 About 410 gold.
I really like your illustrations and I get where you are coming from with the plot you are telling but and this is NOT directed just at you but at every unfinished game I play that doesn't do this.
You need to have some kind of in game indicators or warnings that "this content is not yet available" or "coming soon"
I refuse to believe you would expect a player to have stats that high and still not have ranked up in job. That I would have received the 200 gold for a photo portfolio and 6 rounds later still hadn't taken it. Things happen way to slow. There is a lot of monotony here. There is a really great idea of a game here and you state here that it is unfinished but it is better to give some kind of indicator of WHAT is and isn't finished. Its clear you have tutorials and data cards for content that you don't yet have in the game.
Again I get that it is unfinished but it is frustrating to me the player to not know WHAT IS AND ISNT playable. I can tell there is a lot of "empty space" in certain areas. But you are working on the game it isn't finished.
Yet giving no indicator to the player ingame whatsoever that x feature is not yet complete just leaves them grasping at straws and reduces your credibility. It shouldn't. But it does. Pacing is really important in a story I thought it was about the tabletop game when I first started it but now it seems like a good unfinished visual novel using tabletop mechanics to drip out the story. Without some serious overhauls to the tabletop aspect itself. I am guessing the sex shop and party icons aren't going to activate anytime soon. This is just to monotonous. You have what I assume is a good story about helping or corrupting a young girl on the run to hollywood but the tabletop aspect just fragments it out and chops it in to pieces.
I really like your artwork and I really like your characters as it stands I do not like your game. It seems like it is trying too hard to be two things while not finishing either one. But again it is unfinished. I will give it another try when it is much further along in development. If the game is dependant on the tabletop mechanics though then they have to be far less generic than they are currently.