She thinks about climbing out the way she came in-but just thinking about trying to scale down that wall with a concussion makes her dizzy. She has no choice but to try to sneak outta the house without him noticing
Still sitting down stairs.
She sneaks down the stairs quietly-but again, superhuman hearinggggggggg-
She inhales sharply, freezing up like a deer-in-headlights.
"Rowan. Get down here. Now."
-Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-no-no I-I'm good-
"Now, I am not going to argue and before I have to teleport you here myself. Get down here."
-c-can I make a run for it? N-no probably n-not I could risk it-I-I have to survive-I-I have to-
"Rowan. Just come down. I promise I won't do anything I just need you too calm down.."