"Why do you care If I want to see your face again, and this person who is senfing you after me. Tell them I want them to come after me themselves that is it. Now, I am telling you..that I do not to see you ever again and I mean it Rowan."
Dawn is looking in a whole other direction, he couldn't stand looking at her face after she attacked him.
"Rowan. Look, I am still confused why you are telling me this. You arent mine anymore. You seemed bummed that you were mine and you didnt even act like it, now that I undid it you seem like you didnt mind it. You are confusing me and I do not like it."
She looks him dead in the eye-and he can see just how tired and just like-done with everyone's bullshit-she really is.
"Mother dead, father dead, all of my siblings but one, dead. Brother...in prison. And I'm basically an indentured servant. But you don't see me throwing myself at the feet of a killer, do you."