It's neat, but I have no idea what's going on. I think that's partly on me- I don't really play this sort of game- but it does kind of throw you in the deep end with all the mechanics at once and only a wall of text for instructions, no ingame tutorial or easing in. I'm not sure if more could be done to make it clear what card does what and what's happening, or if that's not really a thing in this genre.
The "draw around the card" to select is a pretty neat mechanic. The game seems to take advantage of it well, with it having an effect on the cards' effectiveness, but again I'm not entirely sure what's going on.
Is it "so bad it's good"? That's a tough one for me to call. To me it feels like a flawed but earnest attempt, but once again I'm not familiar with the genre so the whole thing might be a witty parody that flew completely over my head.