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Day 11:

At this point I am stepping into unchartered territory! Previously I had at least basic experience with what I was working on, with the exception of the 2D tilemapping - but that was more of using a tool and was relatively simple to follow. Today though, I delved into learning about ScriptableObjects for use in the game's inventory system. Having recently started in computer science, I am just beginning to get experience with organizing data architecture, which is what using ScriptableObjects is all about. So there is a lot for me to take in, though I am finding Unity's videos on Live Training on Scriptable Objects as well as using ScriptableObjects in a Text Adventure both very helpful resources. Overall, all of the architecture can get overwhelming for me, but I have to start somewhere, right? :P So here I am trying to set up base classes for InventoryItems, and displaying them on the UI Canvas.

Seems okay for now. I know I have a lot more to learn here though, such as linking the instantiated inventory items to display in a Layout Group (which I haven't used before, but apparently helps in dynamically resizing based on the number of items in the group). And of course user input such as hovering over the item to display a description, and being able to add/remove items from the inventory. It is kinda scary not knowing how much time all of this is going to take and if I can actually do this all in time, but hey, if nothing else, I have already learned quite a bit up to this point!