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I love the the shooting visual effects and music (which is not only nice to listen to, but also doesnt get bored quickly, which is rare in games where one track is looped).

I see that you aproach to the theme was similar to my thinking - so powerups that are sometimes good and sometimes bad. My problem with this solution when the collectibles are random is that as a player I have no way of predicting or at least suspecting what may be behind it. In this sense, I am actually collecting everything. What would be interesting for me is if the content was dependent on something. Even the simple thing that, for example, there are two colors of collectibles - and in one room yellow is good and in another it is bad. So at the beginning of a given wave, I have to check by trial and error which is which. 

But that's not a complaint, I liked the game very much. Rather, I am throwing it as a topic for discussion and consideration.

PS: Great work with streaming!


Thanks for playing, Thats actually a really neat idea that would have definitely worked for it.