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Not bad. I loved the visual style of the game and the mechanics were really smooth. It could use some sounds for sure, and the spawns stop coming when you hit 14.600 in score. Also, some off screen colliders would be great. I noticed that I can run off either side of the screen and basically just drop off the world completely. 
I really liked the physics of being moved by the guns as you shot. Overall, really fun, but I found it really easy, and I wanted to keep playing after 14600.

I forgot to write down notes of stuff to fix so I had forgotten about the colliders, my bad. Also forgot sounds.. As I mentioned to crude, the spawner was actuator from another game of mine that worked for some reason which is why the game ends at 14.600. Thanks for playing!

It was really a cool game. If you re-visit this one in the future, let me know. I really enjoyed it. The art was great too.