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I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

Wow as a visual novel fan I thought this game was fantastic!!! It's a shame that's only a demo. The story flows well and the dialogue is very intriguing. I didn't get out of it and I was focused throughout the experience. My pet peeve with VN is when a game tries to explain the scenario with the narrative which makes it quiet boring. I always thought "The game should give information with the dialogue" and that's exactly what Universe For Sale does. The visuals beautiful, Characters intriguing and sound effects/music fits the setup. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GAME. Try it out. It's awesome.

P.S. Can't wait for the full game..   

Thanks a lot for the comment!!  "The game should give information with the dialogue"  That is one of the central points we want to focus on, and we are delighted that you notice !! :D

Thanks even for the video gameplay and sorry for the late reply xD


I LOVE IT!! Looking forward to the full game It's very well done.