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Big fan -- but not sure how the following has happened:

1) Beginning development when your last release (Mahou Mating) is even yet released/completed,

2) Charging $14.99 for what previously sold for $2.99 (Steamy Sextet). If the # of scenes is increased to 3 per girl, that'd be $9, so wouldn't $10 be considered a more fair price? Looks like you boosted your price from approx $0.50 per scene to around $0.83 per scene.

I'm sure the game will be high quality (as your releases have been), but I do hope you don't continue to raise prices just-cause. for what is otherwise good content. Raising prices incentivizes piracy.


1) Simply put,  I started work on Slimy Sextet to fill time and give myself something to do while waiting for things that I need in order to work on Mahou Mating, so I always have something to be working on and I never waste time waiting around for something else to get done before being able to proceed. When it's not possible for me to work on Mahou Mating, I can work on Slimy Sextet. And vice versa. Having two projects in development at once is an attempt to be more productive.

2) I have planned about 3.5x the number of sex scenes from Steamy Sextet, but that's not the only improvement. Slimy Sextet will have sprites and background art for story scenes, original music rather than recycled tracks taken from previous games, and a much higher wordcount, since I'm not limiting the game's text to purely dialogue that will be voice-acted. If you think that the game as I've presented it isn't worth $14.99, then I can recommend waiting for when the game inevitably goes on sale, but that's the price that I currently think the final product will be worth.


No problem. Well put, looking forward to the game's release. Hope it will come out soon enough.


If nothing else, thank you very much for some level of transparency. Looking forward to your work when it is finished.