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Well it's... something! I personally haven't watched the movie , but from watching the youtube video, I can totally see it in the game! so 5/5 on movie interpretation :)

Overall it was funny, though when you die you get thrown back to the start with no warning and it's not the best, maybe put a "you died" screen and a restart button so you're prepared when it restarts?

Thanks for your comment ! ^_^ For the "die screen page", yes, I had planed to make one, but ... this game is the fruit of 2 days of work only. All I have made the days before has been lost : my main computer has died last friday night, taking with him my hard disk. So, only two days to remember what I've done and do it again in a SuperFastPower way ! ;) So no time to create a better menu or even a die splash-screen with sad music. But it was really a great challenge to recreate everything (music, graphics in painting/scanning mode, programmation), all with my old laptop ^_^ Thanks again for your nice comment. I'm happy you've enjoyed the game. D'ont hesitate to see this great movie : it's old, but so gooood !