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Devs, I don't know if you're still reading these comments, but thank you so much for creating this game! I played through the entire game and all its endings in one spurt, and (particularly as a musician/music-lover and Asian myself) I was so deeply moved by the story and by how much music was woven in. It was beautiful how both the Chinese and the music were used to illustrate the themes of finding a common language and belonging. I loved Sona's violence, Hao's seriousness, the orchestra, and their adorable doodles. The ONLY nitpick I might have is that I wish we got a longer bonus epilogue with the lovers, perhaps with a real kiss?! 

Yes, we do still read everyone's comments! Though sometimes we do not have time to reply right away - our apologies for the delay! - we appreciate everyone who takes the time to stop by and share their thoughts on our work. It makes us especially happy to know that people are still playing a2, since it's an older game. :)

I'm very glad that you enjoyed the story and themes of a2! We've actually been hoping to do a "remastered" version of the game (maybe after we finish The Pirate Mermaid?) that would have an extended epilogue and other improvements. In the meantime, maybe you'd be interested in checking out this sweet little fanfic that provides more closure on the ending of the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

This is one of the best games I've played on here, and I've played through a lot of them. It's truly beautiful. I STRONGLY agree that we need a proper reunion with Hao! However, I also played all routes in Pirate Mermaid and I'm dying to play through the whole game, it quickly became one of my favorites. :) 

Thank you for your hard work.