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Oh man, this was a fun addictive little game. Very very good effort. It seemed polished, and ran smooth without any  noticeable bugs (at least for me). I say this might be a possible contender for first place. 

It is true that trying to do a twin stick shooter on keyboard is a bit awkward. My only "complaint" was that I couldn't really effectively both navigate and dodge projectiles with WASD and at the same time remember to also point the  mouse and shoot haha. I would suggest perhaps increasing the rate of fire? Felt a bit slower than optimal.

I love how the theme of the jam came across in both the intro/backstory (nice) but also in some of those gold pickups that were bad. Though, small criticism there, unless I'm mistaken, it was quite predictable that they were all duds? 

I was excited when I read 'randomly generated' but not sure exactly how that came across. Very cool idea with the connected rooms and you can get to choose where you go - amazing stuff. But I feel like Metalstorm just probably didn't have time to add more variety and randomness in the rooms (in terms of elements perhaps and hazards) that would have been awesome. I suggest that for the 2.0 iteration of the game. 

Very good job man!

PS. Oh yeah, and mighty impressive that all assets were the developer's... I can never do art, I grab whatever freebies I can get my hands on, so coming up with all that plus the programming, wow

Thanks a lot, the power ups were not all duds but i didnt get a very good "random" chance feel so a lot of the time it felt like it. There were machine guns and shotguns which let you mow down enemies very fast. I agree 100% on the controls. Originally it was made for twin stick analog sticks only but then most people said they didnt have gamepads so i added in the mouse controls and it was going to take a while to make it work well with both so i decided on just the WASD and mouse controls. I am not a big fan either.

For the procedural/randomly made thing the dungeon system is randomly made so the path through the rooms will always be different. The rooms look the same though other than different door placements but they do spawn enemies at a different rate and chance to spawn certain enemies is higher and lower in each room. I planned to make room specific enemies and traps and stuff too so you would really notice but didnt have time and had a lot of bugs to fix on the generator that were more important. The downside is its not very balanced so sometimes you get a dungeon thats like 6 or 7 rooms and sometimes its like 15. But it ran and was stable so I didnt want to mess with that and break it before submission.

Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback, great to hear and thanks for playing. Appreciate it. 

Also I really liked your game but I was a moron and didnt watch the video on the itch page and couldnt figure out how to do anything lol. Afterwards I watched the video and it all made sense so I have to go back and give it another try. I played it on my livestream which I think I left you a link for. I really like how much work and detail went in to a strategy game like that where you have to weigh the pros and cons of what you do and dont do. Awesome work.