Oh man, this was a fun addictive little game. Very very good effort. It seemed polished, and ran smooth without any noticeable bugs (at least for me). I say this might be a possible contender for first place.
It is true that trying to do a twin stick shooter on keyboard is a bit awkward. My only "complaint" was that I couldn't really effectively both navigate and dodge projectiles with WASD and at the same time remember to also point the mouse and shoot haha. I would suggest perhaps increasing the rate of fire? Felt a bit slower than optimal.
I love how the theme of the jam came across in both the intro/backstory (nice) but also in some of those gold pickups that were bad. Though, small criticism there, unless I'm mistaken, it was quite predictable that they were all duds?
I was excited when I read 'randomly generated' but not sure exactly how that came across. Very cool idea with the connected rooms and you can get to choose where you go - amazing stuff. But I feel like Metalstorm just probably didn't have time to add more variety and randomness in the rooms (in terms of elements perhaps and hazards) that would have been awesome. I suggest that for the 2.0 iteration of the game.
Very good job man!
PS. Oh yeah, and mighty impressive that all assets were the developer's... I can never do art, I grab whatever freebies I can get my hands on, so coming up with all that plus the programming, wow