Vince Log 1/Overview
Today's music;
-Angel Beats soundtrack
-A potluck of spotify playlists (with things like Crystal Castles, P.O.S, The Dear Hunter, and John Coltrane)
Writing, per usual. Nothing too interesting, was pretty hype to get sketches today. The way I thought of the characters was a little different, but Jamie's concept art is pretty sweet. I'm a big fan of all their sketches so far, but especially liked how Vi, Michelle, and Beatrice looked. I gave Jamie pretty vague descriptions and they all look unique and bold, which is cool. The Horsemen are neat spins on the people who played them in the stage show, which was cool to see. Having visuals is really great, helps both of us with the process (them more than me, obviously).
As far as the big picture, it's basically getting out as much of a rough draft as I can until the two of us feel like the first chapter is fine. Then it'll be a whole lot of editing. Probably a week or so of writing and then spend the next few days editing. I'm one of those people who edit as I go too (write a page or two, chill, read and reread, edit) so we'll see.
The beginning of the writing process was making the cast; which are the characters you've seen from the concept art. The Horsemen were a given but we needed to flesh them out more--in the original play the were a little too flat considering it was only had a 10-15 minute run time. I was sure that I wanted to do either Leviathan/Behemoth/Ziz for one of the love interests but I figured Leviathan would be the most fun to work with. I originally considered just having those three be the love interests but that felt like a cop out. Michelle is just a take on the archangel Michael, and Beatrice is....a mystery, I guess. It's not too hard to figure out what she's from if you've seen a particularly bad anime with Steve Blum. ;)
Rest of the writing has just been putting on music and seeing where it goes, there's a kind of outline we've talked about but most of it will just be seeing what fits. I've been looking for album recommendations while I write, so if you dig music lemme know.
Thanks for reading this wall of text,