First of all, I want to say that you’ve done an incredible job with this jam entry.
Unfortunately I had a pretty rough experience with this game, partially due to my own circumstances but in other areas due to little things that no doubt are a result of your incredible scope, attention to detail, and wide range of features. The fact that you still submitted such a complete entry despite the challenge you set for yourself is commendable.
For one, I do wish there were a port to Linux as playing through Wine left me rather unsatisfied– there were frequent stutters and input always held down for too long. I’m mentioning this only because it definitely worsened the effect of some of the other issues I ran into.
I wish the locked doors had a more obvious signal to show you that they’re locked. In the first segment, I kept trying the first door thinking it bugged out, then on my second run I tried it once again before finally looking up and realizing there was a place to go to.
While the environments certainly look nice, I definitely felt that the level design occasionally could have benefitted from more clueing. In other games of this genre such as Dying Light there’s little discolorations and scratches from parkour runners on the walls that you’re expected to climb or run across, as well as tarps or other visual motifs. Here, it sometimes felt like a guessing game, though again I’d say the first required jump is the worst offender and the rest of the game doesn’t get quite that obtuse.
While I know that bugs are bound to happen when you try to make a parkour game in virtually no time, the lack of any kind of level reset or quit button makes falling out of the world a rough experience (again, random and severe framerate drops from Wine may have caused this to happen more often than in testing). I would recommend adding a special box under the level that kills the player so they can reset, or just adding those options.
Again, a lot of this comes down to my own experience which was hampered by a few things on my end. It looks incredible, sets the tone perfectly, has some killer audio work, has animation and first person movement effects that simply don’t belong in a jam title, and just generally blows my expectations out of the water. I’d love to give the game another go under better circumstances and see it through to the end.