Honestly, i'd say its obviously Le Blanc, only her staff is missing.
Great game btw. If i remember corectly i first played that one around the time when the "Kings Castle update" came. Hope its fine if i just call it like that.
I followed the developement since and in my opinion you do great work.
So thanks for that.
Theres only one thing that one could complain about, wich is the drawings. They are great and i could never draw like that, so im not rly able to say anything. Still i feel like there's more potential in it, if you'd change the stile or something like that.
Take for an example Third Crissis wich is a game by AnduoGames, at start they had similar drawings for Charactersprites and then changed them. Right now "Rated Ehcs" is drawing them if im not mistaken. It did them only good i'd say and i think it could have a similar effect here.
But like i sayed, the game is great and you put in a lot of effort, wich i apriciate.
I wish you good luck, health and also take care, hope to see more of your work soon.