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Day 3:

- Lots of rooting through code and making sure things work. There's still a few kinks to work out but for the most part, everything's set up!
- Also I learned a little bit of Python for some of the trickier things to do, and now part of my coding looks like an elaborate rube goldberg machine where if one single piece is knocked even a little bit out of place, the whole thing collapses. Fun!
- Started working on the UI, created lots of placeholders to figure out how everything will look and feel. Also, I made an animated background!!
- Item selection is all worked out, descriptions and the points system are all written out and coded

This gif quality isn't great, but it looks smooth and beautiful in-game and I love it. Hot pink textbox might not be final.

Ohhhhhhh boy

All the writing and coding is done up until the actual dates start, as well. Soon, I can put everything in place!!

Plans for tomorrow:

- Focus on writing the actual dates
- Draft backgrounds
- Work on character designs (I wanna start drawing the dates!! aaaaa)