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(2 edits)

I downloaded the game but it won't let me update it :/ it says error each time. Also I was quite annoyed that we couldn't pick dialogue at some parts cuz alot of times i wanted to be nice and she would just say really stupidly rude things to her friends -_- the ending of story mode the friends were quite selfish as well >:[ I see that updating gives me more things in the game like cheats and other stuff but it errors each time i try. Also is this the new updated version that's out now? i downloaded it a lil while ago

Yeah the version on is the newest version.

Robin isn't a typical nice person - this isn't like most games. And it would be selfish of Robin for her not to accept her friends needing to move on. Game-wise, Open Mode is a sequel to Story Mode so that's why things needed to happen that way.

by selfish i meant like they could've waited until after the big show to tell her. not saying its selfish they wanted to move on with their lives but their timing was really cruel

Yeah, Emmitt is a little buttface.

hahaha emmitt is sweet but dallas and beu are just like ha up yours we moving and im just like wth?!