Just wanted to say thanks for creating this wonderful game! I blasted through the entire thing over the past two days, and I found myself completely addicted to the story and the wonderful characters-- I've now unlocked all endings on all three routes, plus all the CGs and achievements except for the "read all lines" (need to go back and try out all the possible combinations of Mira's boys x Emma's boys, which will be fun), and I'm already craving more of this world. Pretty proud of myself for doing it without a walkthrough too :D definitely took a ton of hours, but it was all worth it.
I absolutely adore Zane and Daire and their routes, and really appreciate how you managed to craft such distinct characters. I will say that Kiron's route felt cluttered, which is unfortunate since the man himself is such a sweetheart. There were so many new side characters thrown into the mix, and we never really connected with them in Kiron's story, although I do get the desire to hint towards a potential sequel. I thought the side characters were more deftly handled in the other routes, and enjoyed how your suggested playing order of Zane > Kiron > Daire really built upon each other. My favourite character however has to be Mira herself-- I loved her strength and independence, how she was unafraid to be sexy and sexual, and her awesome banter. She definitely stood out to me among otome game heroines.
I'm also really glad we got to see so much Emma/Halloween Otome goodness embedded throughout this game, and the friendships between characters were truly lovely. I am also impressed that you created a sequel game that is so distinct in tone from Halloween Otome-- this definitely got a lot darker in places than I anticipated, but there were lots of great funny moments to balance that out too.