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(2 edits) (+3)

I'm struggling to get mine finished. If I don't, it'll probably go in IFComp, but it's better suited to Parsercomp. Too many distractions, and now I'm coding for my day job again there's less codey-brain left over, but I'm pushing myself when I can, and I'm still somewhat hopeful.

I heard a tip from a game designer recently that's going to stick with me: when you start work on a new game, the FIRST thing you do is make a complete playable game as quickly as possible. It won't be big or very good to begin with, but it must have a beginning and an end and a way to play through. From that point on, *you have a game*. The rest is editing, and when the deadline is looming you can reduce the scope if you need to without rushing things to tie up with the ending. And I wish I'd heard it before I'd started this project.

EDIT: Having got my mojo back over the last day or two, I'm now feeling much better about my game, have worked out how the endgame is going to play out, and am a lot more confident that I'll get it submitted :-)