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(1 edit)

You're right; there was a mechanic about reshuffling the deck in an earlier version and while I left the rule about removing diamonds in as I like the symbolism of it - feeling that, like the face cards, removing them highlights their 'importance' - it isn't necessary. 

You've given me something to mull on though, so thanks for that! 

[edit] I tried to put some more of my thoughts on the matter down in words here.


Well, I bounced off this game. I think the game core is solid, but there were numerous things that turned me off, now that I reflect on it. The diamonds thing was the tip of the iceberg.

I really did want to like the game, and I tried to explain why the rule gap threw me off the game, and I only bother to engage like this when I think a game could eventually shine for me. But I think I will leave things here, because it sounds like any critiques I have wouldn't be useful to you, and that's good to know.

I like a lot of games, and usually am able to adapt things on my own even with loose rules or rules that don't fit what I want to do, so I think it isn't a lack of ability on my part to improvise.

Sometimes we just bounce off games, and there really isn't anything else to it. I won't leave a review, it would really not be fair. I think this game will find a good audience in the end.