Commander Levels
Note: This is a mockup of the layout and subject to change.
Commander Levels are abilities you can unlock as you level up your Commander, and the primary way to specialize your role in Starborne. The panel consists of three mutually exclusive trees, each containing two distinct specializations. These upgrades also change the look and functions of your ships!
The Vanguard gains access to powerful upgrades for attack ships and enhances your empire's offensive operations. You can also construct the Carrier, a fast capital ship suited for large-scale attacks.
The Bomber uses Gunship fleets to damage or outright destroy enemy stations, giving your alliance the opportunity to expand into enemy territory.
Sentinels aid their alliance by conducting espionage, feeding false information to the enemy and launching fake attacks to divert defenders from the real target.
The Saboteur specializes in crippling enemy fortifications to disable defenses and prevent movement shortly before the combat fleets make contact. Thanks to the Recon ship's high movement speed, Saboteurs can also launch small-scale raids on vulnerable enemy targets.
Tasked with protecting the frontlines, the Guardian gains bonuses to defensive ships, deployment speed to allies as well as access to the Dreadnought, the most powerful capital ship in the game.
As the industrial backbone your alliance, the Magnate supplies allies with ships and resources to fuel the gears of war. Their massive industrial fleets also enable them to construct superstructures and boost allied outposts to enhance their efficiency.