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Great theme. Amazing visuals. Love the name, Aurum Artificer. Struggled a little to completely grasp the concept, but loved playing it. I don't know if it's high enough or not, but got to a high score of 6800. :D

Also I'd like to say, I get your intention to give the game a futuristic high tech touch, but the SFX / background sound in the Start Menu is a bit too sharp. Distracts you from reading the instructions. The font can also be a little better, it's a little hard to read. And I'll also suggest a darker background for the game scene.

Overall great game. Loved playing it.

Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed the game. I am currently working on refactoring and improving the game for a future full release. I plan of tweaking/changing much of the SFX and graphics to give it a more polished look.