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Thanks for letting me know!!  Apparently with the new Unity, the UnityPlayer.dll has to be included in the download to play it.  I haven't exported a build since I updated to this latest version, so that was a fun surprise.  It's all fixed now; I added the UnityPlayer to the zip, so it should work just fine!  

Excellent so I just finished. The art style is very cute and I quite enjoyed the scenery. I do think collisions and the controls need a bit of fine tuning because it is easy to get stuck when jumping and about half the time I had to hold down 1 for the fireball to travel some time instead of just instantly exploding. Other than that very nice job.

I'm glad you like the art!  I definitely agree on the controls; I really want to work on refining it so it feels more like a platform, but I was having a tricky time polishing up the jump as I started to run out of time.  It's definitely the top thing on my redo list while I keep working on this game.

It's interesting to hear that the fireball didn't always travel for you; that's not a bug I noticed when I was playing, so it's good to know that it happened!  I'll definitely look into it and make sure to get that smoothed out.

Thank you for playing it, and for the feedback!  I really appreciate it.  I want to keep cleaning this up and messing around in it, so it's good to hear what you thought!