This is a very nice game, but I feel like it is missing a lot of finishing touches on the design. The game is fun to play, Fun to colonize, Fun to orientate and kill the enemies. But I feel like a bit is missing.
The levels are large, maybe too large, because when you colonized everything you have to start backtracking. Furthermore the game is way too easy and far too lenient on lives. Killing enemies regenerates a lot, and their are a lot of to kill. So many enemies in fact the game actively lags out. The rangefinder of next uncolonized asteroid doesn't work as expected. I want it to find the closest uncolonized asteroid, but instead shows the first in list of uncolonized asteroid .
This game definitely needs different and more challenging enemies. Perhaps with more HP, to reflect shots back at, to make the game more varied.
At last I think it is a bit needless to press Z to colonize an asteroid. It is one extra button that is not technically needed. And would make the game work better on mobile.
I feel like with a bit of polish this would be a great mobile game. Something to play quickly for 2/3 minutes at a time.