Ohai! Long time no see.
I had 2 months away from the game but recently started working on it again. I try to focus my efforts on getting visuals and items up to something I can show in a trailer very soon.
First, a little diorama to show all the cool things I worked on:
I worked on a few traps:
- A stomping gauntlet
- A pendulum blade
- A opening hatch (not shown)
I also finally UV mapped the wooden bridges and added a skybox.
I got myself a nice drawing tablet 2 weeks ago and had a lot of fun with Krita. This allowed me to hand paint critical parts, like the knife blade and the gauntlet.
My goal right now, as I said earlier, is to make a trailer so I can push the game on greenlight. I hope you like what you see, you can follow me on twitter (@minitrope) or on cartrdge.com (https://cartrdge.com/minitrope) if you want to see more daily progress.