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I couldn't get past the third screen. I like the concept. The idea of being able to switch between cat and dog and them having different abilities is fun. Unfortunately I ran into many glitches. Also the jump key would not do anything sometimes it seemed. Why does the entire game have the same color as the cat just with a gradient? The game would have looked much better if you have used more colors. Also in the first room I did not know there was a wall to the right and I was really confused for a minute. I also didn't know you could double jump. The dog and cat and alien sprites are really cute!


Thank you for playing and for your feedback, i really appreciate it. Unfortunately i am not so good at arts and colors theory, i made it all by myself and made a bad choice on the colors. Im glad you find it cute!


If you made all of it by yourself then you did a really good job! Next time maybe try to look up a color pallete or something and if you used one it might make the game look much better.