I liked the tv/computer monitor aesthetic, and I think it's really cool idea that you have. I like that the linkage isn't just a typical "two character that can't be two far from eachother and each have weight" system. It's a different system that lead to unique puzzles.
That said, I had a really hard time understanding how the chain worked. I sort of get it now, and when redoing the beginning levels I found that now that I understand it I breeze through it. But sometimes I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to move one body to a different place, and my solutions would end up feeling really hacky. Like repeatedly clicking and moving just a little bit to inch them forward.
My only other complaint is you'd sometimes have multiple items like buttons or or pressure plates and there wasn't an indication on which one was linked to which.
Still, I like the unique way the chain works, that I decide WHEN to chain us together, and the puzzles were well designed. I played till the end!
Good entry!