Hey mate. Some feedback:
- A tutorial would be *really* nice, especially because the UI on merchant and on the Soldiers area seems to be kinda glitchy.
- The fact that the buildings are not on the ground annoys me. Furthermore, they should rotate to the way they should be facing.
- WHY DO HOUSES GIVE COPPER?!?!? That is very unintuitive. Please change or add description,
- Why does the merchant leaves after I buy something of them?
- The fact that I cannot restart after losing also annoys me. Why don't you just let me restart when I lose?
- I like the Kurzgesagt aestethic.
- Enemies should spawn from both sides.
- Mate. Add sounds. I'm serious.
Not sure whether or not your game is beatable. After wave 5 the game went to wave 6/5 then went back to wave 1: