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(1 edit) (+1)

I felt off into space in level 9 because I managed to avoid the skyboxes spike by jumping on a body of myself that's already dead on them. There's also some glitch with the last body that died that would keep flashing their face between live and dead. Upside down gravity broke the bodies sometimes such that you can move them after dead by jumping on top of them. Also auto-generated, large quantity of music does not necessary mean good, there's a reason musicians in the world haven't been completely replaced by computers yet, it's because the auto-generated music are just random drum sound half the time.

Real talk, while this is not the most original of ideas, and it's a bit of a stretch for the theme, the idea was also kinda redundant here. Some of the levels you can finish without dying once, so the body-being-part-of-the-level mechanic is useless in those levels. I would say either choose being an action platformer where you only have a number of lives, or be a puzzle platformer where you can die an infinite times/have to use up all lives to pass the level. Because going the middle route makes the game loses any unique feature of its own.

(3 edits)

ok a lotta things to answer here so lets start

Ans 1: thanks for reporting that skybox level 9 bug, looks like it made it past my playtesting

Ans 2: that flashing face glitch could be a HTML problem if you were playing on HTML try out the downloadable version if you get time it should run a lot smoother

Ans 3: yea i was trying to add movable dead bodies in the game but halfway through the process i got occupied by something else and ended up forgetting about, dumbest decision in my life

Ans 4: yes auto generated music does not mean good, i know quality > quantity, but somwthing is better than nothing at least {insert_shrug_emoji_here}

Ans 5: idk, the idea seemed good to me so i was like "yea it would work" -me, june 2021

Ans 6: wait there are other games with this mechanic? i didnt know that, ah well what can i do

Anyways im glad you played it and left an honest review :D