The name is incredible and the presentation is great! The gameplay I couldn't quite get the hang of, I think I get the rough idea that you hit the small enemies with the chain to kill them and can only get the big enemies if on a rampage, though with how random the spawning seemed to be it was difficult to build up stacks or even stay alive long enough. Some work on the spawning of obstacles and maybe ramping up slower in the beginning would likely help a lot. Still, a solid entry!
GMTK Game Jam 2021 » Entries » I can't believe I've been turned into a small puppet and now I have to defeat the demon lord to save the village
Thanks for playing and for the kind words!! We ended up leaving quite a lot on the table as we'd been a bit ambitious, there was originally going to be a way to deal with enemies on the far edges. We ran out of time and had to leave the spawning logic a little basic! (To think originally it was meant to be 3 levels, too! seems preposterous now LOL)