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Hey I know its a bit late for reviews, but feedback is feedback I guess?

I sort of loved this game...In its weird unique way I guess XD Like @DennisMac said Controls and physics are buggy and the AI are ridiculously overpowered buuuut... I think this makes the game humorous even if you did not intend it to be so! Just because of the insane stuff you can do! Yet I found two unique things in this entry to note.

1. Since it was a racing-ish game not constrained to roads and it gave it a unique feel from honestly any racing game I've played because it tried to combine a plat former type level with the movement of a car. Is this a good thing? Maybe or maybe not but it was unique and that made it stand out!

2. THE BACKFLIP to be honest this basically broke the game..., but it was unique! I feel like this would be a really interesting car-combat mechanic if the player had a boost to bash into cars. Then the play could perform the backflip while being chased into a boost or you could combine the backflip with a variety of mechanics! 

In summary I thought the game although very buggy and unbalanced was a humorous experience that introduced some very unique mechanics and ideas!  

Anyway one thing I do want to mention is I'm going to make a Game Jam Spotlight Video on my favorite games from this jam on my Game Design Analysis Channel Etra Games in a few days! So here's a shameless plug to my Youtube channel if you want to be notified of the video when released:

Hope to catch you there ;)

Sorry for being a bit late too.
Thanks for the feedback, it was very useful.

I added the jump because that backflip from the film have to be in the game and also because it was very helpful to jump over the police. I didn't think about doing a platformer, but it will be interesting to do a crazy race platformer. And yes, I wanted to make a funny game, but maybe not with that amount of bugs... XD

I'm waiting to see your Game Jam Spotlight Video, and I also subscribed to your channel. The GDVR project it's a great  idea, I will stay tunned for that.