really good game; it was well-made, has a deep backstory, and really got the "it's high school in 2008" vibe down. i love akarsha so much ;vVv; was also cool that there's a mtf lesbian character. i didnt realise, even while playing, that this was by the same person who made pom gets wifi, another great and funny game. i totally thought the internal references were just because those were popular... lol!
what i don't understand is why there had to be several transspecies-misic moments. i get that some of the things said in the game don't represent a healthy mindset to have (cough. parental abuse) and that the game is better (more realistic) for it. but the two that stuck out to me after playing are the one where noelle says "even in kindergarten i understood that becoming another species wasn't an option", which is lighter and more subtle, and the scene where they collectively make fun of neil harbisson, a self-identified cyborg and transpecies person. as someone who could be considered transspecies myself it was enough to make me close the game for the night and almost turned me off it entirely. i feel like i can't recommend it to my friends, many of whom are also transspecies, even though they would otherwise really enjoy it.