Interesting idea, although it's quite similar to games like Line Rider and Crayon Physics.
I didn't like that it clears the previous rope each time you fail. I'd have much preferred if you could adjust it with an eraser, or little handles to modify the lines. I know that's asking a lot for a 48hr games jam!
Maybe if you could see the previous thing you drew, and the previous path the groom took, it would be enough to let you work towards the goal. As it is though, I gave up after a few levels because I couldn't predict the groom's path after collecting the heart.
Clicking the groom to start feels unnecessary. Why not add space as an alternative?
Not sure why you only have 3 seconds for the solution to run.
The change screen arrows don't really look like buttons. Drag scroll or cursor keys scrolling might have been better choices. Or just keep the puzzles to a single screen?