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Very unique game!

nothing much to say tbh, pretty well done, graphics are pretty neat, the concept is pretty clever and well executed...

The only thing I didn't like is how anoying the beeping gets otherwise it's pretty cool.
It still is a little short and could use some more gameplay mechanics.

I would of love a more in depth movement mechanics, for example you could charge your jump and have some small obstacles that could slow you down since you're pretty much on a Timer.

Reall solid game 👌


Thanks for the in-depth feedback. Yeah, it is short, but it's a game jam and I spent a lot of the time hooking all the components up and creating the inventory system and interaction system. A lot of people find the beeping annoying, but there was no other way of putting on the pressure with the amount of time that I had. Again, thanks for breaking it down.


Oh yeah of course you wouldn't have time to do everything I said , I just like to point out the very small mistakes so everyone can improve their games ( I also couldn't get everything done in time and could improve a lot of things on my game tbh).

I think the real problem of the beeping is that it's really loud and also very fast, it would be nicer if it started a little slower. I really like the idea of putting a beep instead of a timer, really makes a lot of pressure since you don't really know when the bomb will explode :)