For all those who came and all those who are to come and cannot figure out how to play !
First of all, sorry if we didn't make that clear, we thought the "how to play" screen would help but maybe the level design wasn't good enough to make it stick.
Second, imagine this game as being basically a 2048 x Into The Breach hybrid : you control the white spirits, and you have to kill all your enemies, who telegraph their attacks.
To do so, you have two turns, each turn consisting of using available cards, and then moving all your units at once. After your second move, the enemies will play their telegraphed turn.
A card shows a pattern which you have to create in game with your units in order to be able to use the card.
And don't forget you can olso mush your enemies around and make them hit each other ! Conversely, if you walk into one of your blocked units with a sprit of the same level, they will fuse into a larger spirit.