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Congrats on finishing and submitting a game, im not sure what the take on the jam theme was here as it is just seems like the block breaker from the course but regardless you completed and submitting a game so congrats. I tried it out on my livestream tonight if you want you can see the replay below 

(1 edit)

i want to see but it says WMA copyrights when I click my video  so manually I am gonna watch in youtube, in which part of your live stream did you play the game 


Someone used copyright music in their game so it got removed, it should be back up now that I removed that. Give it a try now.

sure thanks a lot :)


yeah I saw the video thanks a lot for playing my game and giving feedback in my next game I will put background music and yeah the bug IDK why sometimes the ball goes through the unbreakable blocks also the popup text thing yes I will try to implement it thanks a lot 


Thanks for watching