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Man this music is really catchy even though it's such a short and simple loop. Great execution on the game though, it felt very polished and like a perfect bite-sized exploration for the jam! The concept was really cool and definitely feels unique compared to what I've played so far!

Two things I could suggest is adding a down jump that lets you pass through platforms and adding some kind of blink before an enemy fires in order to let you know how to better position yourself instead of letting it just be up to random chance. Helps build a more strategic feel to things

Awesome job all in all!


Hey thank you so much for the detailed feedback! I'm really happy that you enjoyed it, we had a blast making it. Fun fact: we even let our health drop really low just to jam to the beat <3

I really appreciate the suggestions, we're currently planning out the future for the game, so that sort of feedback helps a lot.

We're looking forward to releasing a fully fledged version of the game, and hopefully you get to experience it, too!